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Property investment australia


Settle in Australia via Business Innovation and Investment visa

The Australian Investor visa is a citizenship by investment scheme, designed for accomplished business owners, investors or entrepreneurs to migrate and actively contribute to the Australian economy.

Business Innovation stream

This visa is designed for people who have an ownership interest in a business in other countries and would like to establish a new or develop an existing business in Australia.



Significant Investor stream

Visa for people who are prepared to invest at least AUD 5 million into complying investments in Australia and don’t wish to maintain other business and Investment activity in Australia.


Investor stream

Visa for people who want to make a designated investment of at least AUD 1.5 million in an Australian State or Territory Bond and prepared to maintain business or investment activity in Australia.


Entrepreneur stream

For startup and early stage entrepreneurs who have been endorsed to develop their concepts and been nominated by a State or Territory government agency.


Bring your Family

Unlimited travel

Apply for Citizenship

What Our Clients Say

Pedestrain Bridge
Australian visa customer

Sophie Shawdon

Moran was hugely helpful when I was applying for my Australian visa. She was incredibly organised, always quick to respond and very clear in her advice. I always felt like my application was in safe hands, knowing that, in the event that things didn't go as hoped, she had backup plans for her backup plans. As a result the whole process was quick and efficient: I would highly recommend Moran.

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